I’m a one-of-a-kind East Texas REALTOR® who is passionate about finding beauty in what already is and using creativity to help others see it, too.

A li’l bit (more) about me…

Since this website is a catch-all, I wanted to offer a glimpse of my heart and personality apart from work so you have a better idea of who I am and what I’m about outside of real estate.

I’m a lover of Jesus and laughter enthusiast.

You can usually find me corralling Roughnecks together for White Oak’s Triannual Homecoming, interviewing the people and places that make Longview unique via UL Live, or serving beverages at Downtown Live with One Hundred Acres of Heritage, a board dedicated to the revitalization of downtown Longview. These communities are extremely important to me and I am grateful every single day for the opportunity to live in East Texas and the people I get to interact with regularly.

I married the love of my life in November (2022) after being single for 29.5 years! I didn’t think marriage was in the cards and was honestly content with a lifetime of singleness if that’s what God had for me, but then I met Daniel Burroughs on a blind date and married him 9 months later. I’m still learning how to sign my new last name. Any tips for writing double r’s in cursive is appreciated.

We’ve got eleven (11) kids at the moment, but that number could change tomorrow if one of them gets decapitated overnight. Oh, and by kids I mean we have eight (8) chickens, two (2) kitties named Georgie and Sandy, and the cutest Gwennie you’ve ever seen who has a lazy eye and only wants you for your socks. In short, our little family consists of fur and feathers.

I’m just an average gal who loves frozen margaritas from El Sombrero, wears workout clothes 98% of the time even though I haven’t worked out, and will do just about anything for a free t-shirt. I live for sunsets and God’s creation. I’m grumpy in the wintertime and have an unhealthy relationship with my leaf blower. My free time is reserved for my friends and family, taking photoshoots of animals + sunsets at the house, drinking wine on the front porch with my husband, mowing, counting the number of deer by the pond through my binoculars, chasing the neighborhood geese out of the yard, saving turtles from the road, saving baby bunnies from the mouths of our cats, attempting to catch moles and gophers, and then talking about all of these things on my Instagram story.

Above all, I want to live in such a way that others feel drawn to know the Jesus I know. I’m not a fan of surface-level conversation or surface-level faith. I believe we were created to know God and to be made into the likeness of Jesus Christ. I deeply care about loving others well and putting flesh and blood on who Jesus is and what He came to do! That’s my mission. I want to make God look good and be the woman He created me to be!