I’m a one-of-a-kind East Texas REALTOR® who is passionate about finding beauty in what already is and using creativity to help others see it, too.


Honestly, I just want to add value to the lives of others and serve them in a way that hopefully enriches their life for the better. Whether I am sharing helpful tips regarding real estate or sharing what God is up to in my personal life, I want this to be a safe place others can turn to. My hope is to take what I know or experience and present it in a way that’s meaningful and impactful.

Chicken Wire, Blisters, and Wounded Hearts
Friendship Kristin Koonce Burroughs, REALTOR® Friendship Kristin Koonce Burroughs, REALTOR®

Chicken Wire, Blisters, and Wounded Hearts

Have you ever been deeply wounded by someone you loved and who loved you? It really messes you up internally and you don’t quite know what to do with yourself after that, am I right?

Building new relationships becomes a struggle because we are terrified of getting hurt again. We begin reacting and responding in certain ways because we fear rejection. We fear being known and loved again because of where being known and loved got us—left with a broken heart and serious self-esteem issues.

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